Tiro Security participating in Presidio 10K to aid Wounded Warrior Project

Tiro Security founders Kris Rides and Rob Pop are dedicated to developing a sense of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and charity within the organization in order to ensure the company’s success benefits others as well.

For 2013, Tiro Security has chosen to support the Wounded Warrior Project, with a vision “to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.”

WWP began when several veterans and friends shared stories over wounded service members from Afghanistan and Iraq. Its initial stages were to provide comfort items to servicemen and women in need, but it has grown into a complete movement to assist warriors as they reenter civilian life. The program now centers on strengthening both mind and body, and also encourages economic freedom and prosperity.

By raising awareness and enlisting the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members, WWP is able to give back to the service men and women who have already given their all. The program has used a high-touch and interactive approach in order to create a community to help injured service members aid and assist each other.

“I always enjoy meeting other warriors – the connection to my brothers and sisters is like no other,” said one WWP event participant. “It’s therapeutic and continuously helps me to adapt to civilian life and everyday struggles.”

48,000 servicemen and women have been physically injured as a result of the recent military conflicts. But physical injury is not the only thing that distresses warriors. An estimated 400,000 men and women cope with invisible war scars—combat related stress, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. WWP has several programs put into place to help wounded warriors become healthier, stronger, and more comfortable during healing from physical and mental wounds.

Kris and Rob will be running in the Presidio 10K presented by Heart in Motion in San Francisco on April 21 to raise money for WWP.

By establishing CSR, Tiro Security aims to better the outside community and the internal organization. According to Business4Better, 66 percent of midsize business owners seek to establish or strengthen their CSR effort. Many executives believe CSR drives employee participation and brand reputation, ultimately increasing corporate performance, establishing a cycle to allow for more community aid.

Donations can be made to aid the cause here.

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