


Turmoil surrounds Oscar’s new system of e-voting

One of the most anticipated award shows of the season, the Academy Awards, has given an extension to...

Obama expected to impose executive order on cybersecurity next month

A new executive order aimed at preserving national cybersecurity is likely to be put into effect by President...

Anonymous attacks Westboro Baptist Church over announcing plans to picket Newton funerals

In what is now a blocked tweet from a suspended Twitter account, Shirley Phelps-Roper of Westboro Baptist Church...

Hackers could be planning massive attack on banks in 2013

Up to 30 U.S. national, investment and regional banks could be the victims of a massive fraud attack...

The cloud’s umbrella of titles and roles grows as industry takes world by storm

The cloud—a term that surfaced in IT circles in the late nineties—has taken the world by force. Gradually,...

Underground bank robber alliance assists cybercrime

Cyber-crime has a foreboding future, as a new online service allows nefarious criminals to hire coconspirators in several...

Antivirus software, obsolete or still better than nothing?

Abysmal new findings have come out with the recent study conducted by cyber security firm Imperva. Antivirus software...

Global cyber warfare rages between Israelis and Hamas

Israel’s conflict with Hamas has recently come to a head as rockets have flared from the Gaza Strip...